ORCD Newsletter: February 2025

Above the Fold

ORCD Strategic Seed Fund Request for Proposals

The Office of Research Computing and Data (ORCD) is launching a new Strategic Seed Fund Program. The deadline for the first round of seed fund proposals is February 28th, 2025. Seed funds in this round will cover the equivalent of 3 months of one or more graduate student salaries and will also provide priority access to up to 32 H200 GPUs for a 3-6 month period.

The seed fund is looking for projects that will provide ORCD real-world feedback from research projects on how ORCD resources can help accelerate time to results for AI/ML and beyond activities. Projects, from all areas of MIT, for which access to GPU resources and knowledge will enable more rapid completion of some high-impact goals are of particular interest.

Templates and the Submission Portal can be found here.

If you have questions, please send an email to orcd-help@mit.edu.

New equipment order being staged and unpacked at the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center

Heavy Metal

This month around 3000kg of new H200 and L40S GPU servers were racked at MGHPCC. These are part of the new MIT hardware being installed over the next 6 weeks. Overall the servers racked will provide around 35 FP32 PFlop/s of compute capacity, or 11 FP32 TFlop/s/kg.

What We’re Reading

  • Possible computer racks running at 819KW per rack in 2027?
  • Kelvin Drogemeir testimony on the ups and downs of indirect costs from 1945 - 2017.
  • Moon traffic - potentially 3 moon landings en-route by Mar 1 2025.

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