Committee on Research Computing

The Committee on Research Computing and Data (CRCD) serves as an advisory and review committee for ORCD.

Members of the Committee on Research Computing



Department / School

Olu Brown

Associate Vice President


Peter Fisher

Associate Provost and Associate Vice President for Research; Thomas Frank Professor; Head, ORCD


Satrajit Ghosh

Principal Research Scientist

School of Science

Jeremy Gregory

Executive Director

MIT Climate and Sustainability Consortium

Chris Hill

Executive Director


John Joseph Leonard

Samuel C. Collins Professor of Mechanical and Ocean Engineering, Associate Department Head for Education

MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering

Retsef Levi

J. Spencer Standish (1945) Professor of Management; Professor, Operations Management; Co-Director of Leaders for Global Operations Program

MIT Sloan School of Management

Aude Oliva

Director of Strategic Industry Engagement

Schwarzman College of Computing

Peace Ossom

Director of Research Data Services

MIT Libraries

Thomas Schwartz

Boris Magasanik Professor of Biology

Department of Biology

Antonio Torralba

Faculty Head, Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making (AI+D) and Thomas and Gerd Perkins Professor

School of Engineering